I've been absent awhile. Not without leave, necessarily. Today was my twenty-first straight day at work. Classes have begun, and I had a brace of new students to train. Their training now complete, I have tomorrow and the Labor Day holiday off. A two-day pass.
I did happen upon this page, a critique of "Naming of Parts" with a Freudian bent. I wonder what Henry would make of it?
I don't imagine Reed was the sort of Professor to wield a deadly red pen. I can see him making small revisions of text with a fountain pen, cross-outs and underlining, notes in the margins, but I think he would reserve the bulk of his criticism for the space at the end of an essay, where he could spread out and write in full-length sentences.
He most certainly would have disagreed with the conclusions of this particular essay, but he did subscribe to Freudian theory, inasmuch as developed by the Austrian psychoanalyst Melanie Klein. Reed claimed to keep Klein's book, Narrative of a Child Analysis, 'on the same shelf as Finnegans Wake and War and Peace.' (Listener 65, no. 1667 [9 March 1961]: 445-6.)
Reed is even mentioned in this interview with Betty Joseph, possibly a friend from the University of Birmingham.